Kotimainen Fire Action solmi sopimuksen SPV/Steamhammerin kanssa

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 12.6.2024

Helsinkiläinen Fire Action on kiinnitetty SPV/Steamhammerille. Yhtyeen perustajiin kuuluva Juri Vuortama kommentoi sopimusta:

”We are super excited to start working with such a legendary record company as Steamhammer. After a 45 minute chat about 80s and early 90s Metal with label head Olly Hahn – via landline of course – I was 9112 percent sure that SPV/Steamhammer is the best possible base for Fire Action

Vokalisti Pete Ahonen sanoo:

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”I have nothing but a huge respect towards SPV/Steamhammer, they are definitely one the greatest labels with legendary releases, and I find it unreal to be on the same label with one of my all time favorite bands, Running Wild. I am honored to be a part of their great roster”

Steamhammerin Olly Hahn lisää:

Fire Action’s metal blade balances on the barbed wire between 80’s Hair Metal such as Ratt, Stryper, Vinnie Vincent Invasion and Dokken, and era’s Speed & Thrash metal like King Diamond. I have never heard something like this before and I’m sure that after the release of the new album the band will be a favourite not only for media people but most important for all hard music lovers with taste ”

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