Kreikkalaisen metallin kulttiyhtye Zemial julkaisi uuden EP:n: 14-minuuttinen eepos kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 17.11.2016

zemialKreikkalaisen multi-instrumentalisti Dimitrios Dorianin luotsaama Zemial-yhtye on julkaissut uuden ”The Repairer of Reputations” -nimisen EP:n, jolla bändi jatkaa viimeisimmällä Nykta-levyllä esiteltyä kokeellisempaa tyylisuuntaansa. Tuore EP onkin musiikillisesti lähempänä progressiivista rockia alkupään tuotannon black metalin sijaan, ja edustaa kiistatta Zemialin omintakeisen äänimaailman tämänhetkistä huipentumaa. Julkaisu pitää sisällään 14-minuuttia pitkän eepoksen, joka on kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan yhtyeen Bandcamp-sivulla, kun taas aiemmin julkaistun näytepätkän voit kuunnella alta. Zemial esiintyi Suomessa viimeksi tammikuussa järjestetyssä Tampere Black Mass -tapahtumassa, ja lähtee Euroopan kiertueelle 2017 uudistetun livesoitannan voimin.

Greek veterans Zemial release “The Repairer of Reputations” EP, a daring 14-minute epic precursor to their upcoming album: “Lurking.” Already available through various digital services, a vinyl release is being planned for the near future.

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Here Zemial elaborate on their progressive sound and reach new heights of experimentation as the group’s founder and multi-instrumentalist Dimitrios Dorian (a.k.a. Vorskaath) conveys a dramatic narrative, darker, more ominous and yet more expressive than ever before. ”The Repairer of Reputations” thus being both a logical continuation of 2013’s highly acclaimed ”NYKTA” and the beginning of a new, more grandiose era.

Based on an equally mesmerizing Victorian tale of the same name, the ever-evolving piece masterfully reflects the protagonist’s ambivalent journey through their unstable mind, luring the listener into the role with its almost hypnotic nature. A thrilling and emotion-filled journey, ”The Repairer of Reputations” ultimately stands as Zemial’s most ambitious statement to date and represents the group’s adventurous modus operandi in all its glory. Mastermind Dimitrios Dorian describes the piece’s story as follows:

”Set at the end of the Victorian era, the tale chronicles the rise and fall of an unstable mind, as the character moves through insecurity, doubt, megalomania, arrogance and mortal fear.”

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Recorded and produced in Vorkskaath’s ”Studio 9” using a natural, old-style approach, the EP also introduces new instrumentation and soundscapes that will further enrich Zemial’s captivating live performances as they begin touring across Europe in 2017. (Dates announced on the band’s official page:

The EP is streaming in full via the band’s Bandcamp page (, with Vorskaath providing the following personal message to all listeners:

 I appreciate your support in purchasing my music. Please consider supporting musicians and bands in continuing to create music with a simple, cost-free gesture: don’t upload our music. It is available in so many inexpensive ways anyway.

Zemial, the experiment, is the brainchild of multi-instrumentalist Dimitrios Dorian (a.k.a. Vorskaath).

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The meandering path of Zemial has encompassed a diverse and broad range of music styles and their discography ranges from epic heavy metal, to raw black-thrash, progressive rock, electronic soundscapes and avant-garde art music.

Founded in 1989 under the command of Vorskaath in Athens — Hellas, since their inception Zemial has been Adversarial to accepted trends and choose to operate away from the mainstream, allowing the strength of their music and their concert performances to represent them.

Highlights of Zemial’s output include the seminal 1992 release “Sleeping Under Tartarus” as well the epic “In Monumentum” in 2006 and NYKTA – Zemial’s most ambitious, experimental and technical work to date in 2013.

In 2016, the new EP “The Repairer of Reputations” manifests yet another facet of Vorskaath’s meandering musical path and prepares the way for Zemial’s greatest journey yet: “Lurking”.

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With a new line up of musicians from diverse musical backgrounds, new instrumentation and new approaches to sound colours, Zemial are literally creating entirely new atmospheres of sound within the extreme genre of today.