Kuuntele Northlanen uusi Tame Impala -cover

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.11.2015

Northlane 2015Maanantaina 26. lokakuuta Helsingin Nosturissa soittanut Northlane on löytänyt Euroopan-kiertueellaan aikaa myös äänittämiselle. Bändi on julkaissut cover-version Tame Impalan kappaleesta ”Let It Happen”. Lue bändin kommentit coveroinnista ja kuuntele uusi biisi täältä.

Kitaristi Josh Smith kertoo:

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“We’d been wanting to do a cover for quite some time but because we all listen to fairly different music, we could never come to any sort of conclusion about what artist or song to choose when the conversation came up. Then one day Jon came to a rehearsal with the first minute of this as a rough demo on his phone to show us and it clicked. Tame Impala might seem an odd choice for a cover from us, but it’s a band that has a fairly similar writing process, and a few common threads within their music and lyrics.

We were planning to record this cover during our live session at BBC Maida Vale the day of our show in London, UK earlier this month. Unfortunately we ran out of time quickly in the studio as we had to head out early to play the show. We’d already worked on developing this song and rehearsing it and didn’t want that to go to waste, so we chose to do our best to polish up the demo on a laptop while we’re out here on the road in Europe. After this ordeal we’re glad this cut can finally see the light of day, enjoy!”

KaaosZine haastatteli Northlane-rumpali Nic Petterseniä ennen yhtyeen keikkaa Helsingissä. Voit katsoa haastattelun täältä.

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