Kylesan Nosturin keikka peruuntuu
Kokeellista metallia, hardcore/crust-punkia ja psykedeelistä vaihtoehtorockia sekoitteleva Kylesa on perunut koko tulevan kiertueensa yhtyeen laulaja-kitaristi Laura Pleasantsin lähipiirissä ilmenneen vakavan sairauden vuoksi. Näin myös Kylesan vahvistunut konsertti Nosturissa 18. elokuuta peruuntuu. Koska bändin tulevaisuuden suunnitelmat ovat tällä hetkellä auki, korvaavaa keikkapäivää ei olla saatu vielä vahvistettua. Ostetut liput voi palauttaa Tikettiin. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin virallisen viestin aiheesta.
Hello all,
First off, thanks to everyone for an amazing year to date. The fests have been awesome, the shows have been great and despite being physically exhausted, we’ve had a blast. Cheers to all who made it possible. However, we also have some sad news to report. We had some things lined-up this fall including a tour with Thrice and a few other cool bands but unfortunately we will now have to put touring on hold until next year as one of our members deals with the terminal illness of a loved one. Right now we’re still planning on playing MFNW; we’ll keep you posted on additional / surrounding shows if there are any. Here is a quote from Laura regarding her situation that sums it up:
”Kylesa is a band comprised of individuals who love music. But we are also individuals who have families just like everyone else. I have to cancel the next few months to be with family due to the declining health of a loved one. I understand that canceling a tour not only affects the immediate band members and bands we play with but it also affects the fans, the promoters, the booking agencies, the venues, etc. That is, a lot of people are involved and a lot of people are affected. I thank all of these people for their support and understanding.
Laura Pleasants”
We all wish Laura and her family the best through this difficult time, and we hope you all do too. We will be back out there again in 2012 and we look forward to seeing you all then. We’ll have plenty of other non-touring related news for you shortly, maybe even a surprise or two; so stay tuned and we’ll keep you posted.Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyThanks as always,