Lacuna Coililta musiikkivideo tuoreen ”Delirium” -albumin nimikkokappaleesta
Italialainen metalliyhtye Lacuna Coil julkaisi uusimman ”Delirium” -nimisen albuminsa toukokuun 27. päivä Century Media Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen uudesta albumista on nyt julkaistu musiikkivideo levyn nimikkokappaleesta ja voit katsoa sen tästä:
Yhtyeen laulaja Christina Scabbia on kommentoinut yhtyeen tuoretta musiikkivideota seuraavasti:
”We filmed our parts for this video in one evening while we were on the U.S. tour this past May. We used a GoPro against a black backdrop and we wanted something that would be purposely rough, something that could remind some weird lost videos found after years and years.
”The whole video edited together with the parts filmed by the director with an actress turned out as a very strange sort of a trip, where a girl tries to tight up memories and details together to try to find her sanity back, somehow.
”I really like some of the scenes as they reminded me some kind of Korean horror movies vibe and it is totally fitting the ’Delirium’ vibe and concept. It also leaves a lot to the imagination, so thanks for checking it out and enjoy.”
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