Lamb Of God rumpalilta päivitys yhtyeen kiertueeseen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.8.2013

LambOfGodYhdysvaltalaisen metallia soittavan Lamb Of Godin rumpali Chris Adler on julkaissut Facebookissa viestin liittyen yhtyeen meneillä olevaan Euroopan kiertueeseen sekä tulevaisuuden suunnitelmiin. Lue lisää nähdäksesi kyseinen kirjoitus.

”Things have been going really well on this [European] trip for us. The band is playing well and much of the hard work we have put in is being rewarded with great slots on the festivals we are doing and huge side shows in between.

”I feel very lucky to be a part of where we are right now and am enjoying it quite a bit.
”I’ve now heard the PROTEST THE HERO record and it’s fantastic! [Editor’s note: Adler recorded the drum tracks for the new PROTEST THE HERO CD.] I love listening to it and hope you all do as well.

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”I’ve been asked many times on this tour that since I played drums on the record if I will be touring with them or would consider playing on other projects. I’m fairly sure my schedule won’t allow for me to properly join their band and tour. As much as I love the music, I love being with my family too! LOL. We shall see, as it’s not even something we have discussed.
”As for other projects, it’s hard to answer that. I was a fan of PROTEST THE HERO and jumped at the chance to step out of my box a little bit, push myself and explore my capabilities. It turned into quite a daunting task, but I’m much better off for it. I think I’d have to evaluate every opportunity in the same way. Obviously my main focus is LAMB OF GOD, it’s still my heart and soul and I’m loving being able to get out and share it with you.

”We’ve got a few big announcements coming soon regarding tours that will end the ’Resolution’ cycle and a little surprise before the end of the year.
”Stay tuned — and stay metal!”

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