Lamb Of Godin jäsenet kertovat, millaista on työskennellä uuden rumpalin kanssa

Kirjoittanut Essi Markkula - 3.6.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Lamb Of God julkaisee nimikkoalbuminsa kesäkuun 19. päivä Epic Recordsin kautta Yhdysvalloissa ja Euroopassa Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Tulevalla albumilla on ensi kertaa mukana bändin uusi rumpali Art Cruz. Cruz liittyi kokoonpanoon virallisesti viime vuonna, kun hän tuli yhden bändin perustajajäsenen, Chris Adlerin, tilalle. Cruz on tuurannut edeltäjäänsä jo useilla kiertueilla, joten bändin jäsenillä on yhteistä historiaa.

Premier Guitarin haastattelussa bändiltä kysyttiin, miten helppoa Adlerista Cruziin siirtyminen on ollut. Yhtyeen basisti John Campbell vastasi seuraavasti:

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”I think that there are some subtle differences between the guys, although Art learned to play drums by looking up to Lamb Of God and Chris Adler. So he comes heavily steeped in the style. That said, there was some feeling each other out. In the beginning, we’d turn and look at each other for specific cues. Whereas, having played with Chris for years, we all knew exactly where the hits were. So there was some fine-tuning on points like that. As far as subtle differences, Art is just this insane ball of energy and he’s going to hit everything on the razor-sharp perfectly. So he kicked a little fire in my ass, and it feels dangerous. It feels more exciting.”

Viime huhtikuussa yhtyeen kitaristi Mark Morton kuvaili Cruzia Zippo Encoren haastattelussa seuraavasti:

”Art brings just such a great energy to — well, first and foremost to the music, but also just kind of the dynamic of the group. He’s about 15 years younger than us, so that’s kind of got its own energy. His drumming ability is pretty much limitless — he can play whatever you ask him to; he can play whatever he wants — and that’s pretty exciting, to be able to have that tool available to us.

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Art was certainly a professional drummer when he came into the fold, but some of the things we’re doing at the level we’re doing them at, he’s never really been necessarily in those positions before. So to see his enthusiasm for it, his excitement, his curiosity — his eyes and ears are open, and he’s killing it. It brings me a lot of joy. I love Art, man — I love the dude — and I’m really proud to have him in our band.”

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