Lamb Of Godin kitaristilta Mark Mortonilta akustinen EP tammikuussa: vierailijoina mm. Howard Jones sekä Lzzy Hale
Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalliyhtye Lamb Of Godista tunnettu kitaristi Mark Morton on julkaisemassa tammikuussa uuden, ”Ether”-nimisen akustisen, viidestä kappaleesta koostuvan EP:n Rise Recordsin kautta. EP:llä tullaan kuulemaan vierailijoina muun muassa Light The Torchissa nykyisin vaikuttavaa Howard Jonesia sekä Halestormin laulaja-kitaristi Lzzy Halea. Voit katsoa tulevan EP:n tiedot tästä:
1. All I Had To Lose (featuring Mark Morales)
2. The Fight (featuring John Carbone)
3. She Talks To Angels (featuring Lzzy Hale)
4. Love My Enemy (featuring Howard Jones)
5. Black (featuring Mark Morales)
Morton on kertonut tuoreessa lehdistötiedotteessa EP:stä seuraavaa:
”I’m thrilled to announce the upcoming release of my new five-song EP ’Ether’ on Rise Records! Once again, I’ve had the great pleasure of working with some amazingly talented artists and friends to assemble this collection of tunes, all of which feature a strong acoustic guitar component. Inspired by the acoustic sets I had the opportunity to perform last spring and summer in support of ’Anesthetic’, I began writing some new songs to reflect that more mellow vibe. I’m stoked with the results and I can’t wait for everyone to hear what we’ve been putting together. I’ll be debuting these tunes on my upcoming U.K. acoustic tour, so you can hear them live before they’re released anywhere else.
”I continue to be honored to have the chance to work with so many incredibly talented people and I remain beyond grateful to the fans that have come along with me and supported these projects. Thanks so much everyone!”