Lamb Of Godin Randy Blythe: ”Aiomme jäädä tauolle ”VII: Sturm Und Drang” -albumille kaavailtujen keikkojen jälkeen”
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Lamb Of Godin laulaja Randy Blythe paljasti hiljattain työstävänsä uransa toista kirjaa. Randy on nyt paljastanut hieman lisää yhtyeen tulevaisuuden suunnitelmia Mötley Cruesta tutun Nikki Sixxin luotsaamalle ”Sixx Sense” -radio-ohjelmalle kertoen yhtyeen aikovan jäädä pienelle tauolle saatuaan soitettua kaikki ”VII: Sturm Und Drang” -albuminsa tiimoilta sovitut keikat. Yhtyeen ollessa tauolla Randylla on aikomuksena julkaista uusi kirja ja viettää aikaa perheensä kanssa kotona. Voit lukea miehen ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:
”I got out of prison and immediately went on tour, because I had five lawyers and they were just hemorrhaging money like crazy. I went from jail to home to, ten days later, being at Knotfest to home for a month or two, then out on tour with LAMB OF GOD, then back to the Czech Republic to go to trial, found not guilty, then come home, then finish up the rest of our tour and finally end in South Africa. And then we took a little time off, but there were some changes in the organization and they started writing another record and we need to make money, so it was back in the studio. And it was back on tour again for this last record [2015’s ’VII: Sturm Und Drang’], and that cycle is not gonna end until August or September of this year, I guess. So it’s just been, like, grinding, grinding, grinding. And when I’m not on the road, I’m working on writing and photography.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”[These are] things that make me happy. But it’s at a point now where it’s, like, at the end of this tour cycle, it’s gonna be, like, boom, it’s time to take a break for real and concentrate more on writing and being at home with the family. It’s time for me, now, at the end of this… ’Cause we got off, after I got done with the whole prison thing and then finishing that tour, we got off the road and then we started writing a new record, and then we recorded that record. And we didn’t tell anyone that we were recording — nobody knew. They thought we were just chilling at home, and then we go on tour before the record even comes out. We’re mixing the record on tour, and then all of a sudden, the record comes out. [People] were, like, ’Woah! Where did the record come from?’ And it’s, like, ’Well, we’ve been working the whole time.’ And it hasn’t stopped.”