Lamb Of Godin Randy Blythe nauhoittamassa lauluja tulevaa projektia varten
Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.4.2015
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Lamb Of Godin vokalisti Randy Blythe on siirtynyt studioon nauhoittamaan lauluja tulevaan yhteistyöhön liittyen. Mies on julkaissut Instragramissaan päivityksen, jonka mukaan hänen ääntään tullaan kuulemaan Sourveinin tulevalla ”Aquatic Occult” -nimisellä albumilla. Voit lukea Randyn viestin projektiin liittyen tästä:
Amongst reading the page proofs of my book & getting the final edit and design version of that approved, getting all the photos ready for my gallery show, dealing with my band on the creative end & all the endless crap that comes with that, and doing press for my book, photo show, and upcoming band tours, I decided I needed a break. Where does an overloaded writer/photographer/musician/creative type go when he needs a break? To the studio to work on SOMEBODY ELSE’S project, of course! Here’s my buddy T-Roy of Cape Fear, NC’s infamous Sourvein tracking vocals for their new record, Aquatic Occult, which will be coming out later this year on @MetalBladeRecords. I love the lines in this photo! I went down to Raleigh, NC where Sourvein were tracking & added a little Randy into the mix- the record will have guest vocals by me on a song, a spoken word bit on another, a creepy organ part I wrote on another, and some samples I collected where ever T-Roy decides to put ‘em. I have deep roots in the Cape Fear, so when it calls, I answer. It was good to hang with my homie, & I’m looking forward to @sourveinofficials new album when it drops- bringing the Southern heavy vibe to Metal Blade! Plus, it gave me a chance to work with Sourvein’s producer for this album, who is a PUNK ROCK LEGEND & has been a HUGE influence on me as a vocalist since I was in high school…
A photo posted by D. Randall Blythe (@drandallblythe) on Apr 16, 2015 at 8:06am PDT
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