Lamb Of Godin Randy Blythe paljastaa: ”Saan kiittää raittiudestani Metallican James Hetfieldia”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.10.2019

Uutisoimme sivustollamme hiljattain Metallican päätöksestä peruuttaa tuleva kiertue Australiassa laulaja-kitaristi James Hetfieldin hakeuduttua vieroitushoitoon. Nyt yhdysvaltalaisen metallijätti Lamb Of Godin laulaja Randy Blythe on julkaissut omassa instagramissaan pitkän kirjoituksen, jossa kertoo Jamesin toimineen hänelle suurimpana apuna taistelussa alkoholia vastaan. Randy kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”I got sober while we were on tour with METALLICA almost 9 years ago. The first day of that run, one of my crew guys came to me and said ’Hey, Hetfield’s looking for you’- we had been touring with them in the States & Europe for over a year and I was just RAGING, especially in Europe, but inside I was MISERABLE. He knew I had been trying to quit drinking, it wasn’t working for me anymore, & it all came to an end in Australia.

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”A HUGE FACTOR in my willingness & ability to get sober while on fucking heavy metal tour was the fact that I had James & some of his crew who were also sober to talk to- I didn’t have to do it alone. James & crew babied me through my first month of sobriety out there on the road- it was a heavy trip. I couldn’t have done it without them.

”When I saw the news about James [on Friday], I hurt so bad inside for him, because he was there for me when I was in such bad shape- I know how dark it can get. But it was also a very strong reminder for me of what I am, & what waits for me if I fuck up & forget I am alcoholic.

”If you’re an alcoholic, NO ONE IS IMMUNE, no matter how long you have been sober. James is in the right place right now, though, & as he has gone there of his own volition, it sounds like to me he wants sobriety back- and that is the key to it all, you have to want it. So my thoughts & prayers are with him- I love that dude. He literally helped SAVE MY LIFE.”

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