Lamb of Godin Randy Blythe varoittaa, ettei hänen tuleva kirjakiertueensa ole lapsille sopiva
Lamb of God -vokalisti Randy Blythe valmistautuu ”Just Beyond The Light: Making Peace With The Wars Inside Our Head” -kirjansa julkaisuun. Kirja julkaistaan 18. helmikuuta Grand Central Publishingin toimesta. Blythe lähtee kirjakiertueelle promoamaan tuoretta teostaan mutta varoittaa, ettei tilaisuus ole lapsille sopiva sisältönsä vuoksi. Kyse ei ole perinteisestä kirjan esittelystä, jossa luetaan pätkä kirjasta ja jaetaan sen jälkeen nimikirjoituksia. Kiertueella 14 vuotta raittiina ollut Blythe aikoo kertoa päihteiden värittämästä historiastaan hieman syvällisemmin ja vastata yleisön kysymyksiin.
Blythe kertoo Instagram-julkaisussaan:
”I just got an email from an acquaintance mentioning that they have already bought tickets to one of the shows, and that they will be bringing their son, a lovely young man I have met before. I had to reply and tell them that I am not so sure this is a good idea.
”As I have mentioned elsewhere, this is NOT a regular book tour, meaning an author sitting at a stool looking all scholarly and reading a few passages from their book, then sitting at a table and signing copies. I will be reading a tiny excerpt at one point from the book, but the rest of the time I’m onstage I will be attempting to illustrate the major themes of the book via stories from my life.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”Just in case any of y’all are completely unaware of my history as a human being, over the years, at times I have lived a very, ahem, ’full throttle life’ — there is a VERY GOOD reason that I have been clean and sober for 14 years now. This means that some, not all, but SOME of the stories I will be telling will involve heavy, HEAVY alcohol and drug usage, as well as the batshit insane situations that occurred as a result of said substance intake. Some of this will be very funny (at least to me),and some of it will be sad/pathetic — regardless, I’m fairly certain it will NOT be appropriate for children. This is your warning, ok?
”I’m not going to be gratuitously foul-mouthed, but I’m not a choir boy, my life hasn’t been a never-ending trip to Sunday school and we aren’t going to be sitting around a campfire at summer camp- it’s adult story telling time, y’all, so leave the kids at home. I don’t want to traumatize your children, and trust me, you don’t want to have to answer the questions your 8 year-old will have after hearing some of this stuff.
”Everyone else, I’ll see ya there!”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy