Lamb of Godin Randy Blythesta toistamiseen bestseller-kirjailija
Lamb of God -yhtyeen nokkamiehen Randy Blythen toinen kirja, Just Beyond The Light: Living With The War Inside My Head, on sijoittunut 15. sijalle Publishers Weeklyn bestseller-listan Hardcover Frontlist Nonfiction -kategoriassa.
Kirja-alan keskeinen julkaisu, Publishers Weekly, laatii useita bestseller-listoja Circana BookScanin tietojen perusteella. Circana BookScan on julkaisumarkkinoiden kultainen standardi myyntipistetietojen seurannassa, ja se kattaa noin 85 % Yhdysvalloissa myydyistä yleisistä painetuista kaunokirjallisista teoksista suurimpien jälleenmyyjien, itsenäisten kirjakauppojen ja monien muiden toimijoiden kautta.
Blythe kirjoittaa sosiaalisen median julkaisussaan:
”I am very proud to announce that for the SECOND TIME, I am officially a bestselling author! My new book, ’Just Beyond The Light’, made the Publishers Weekly nonfiction bestsellers list, debuting at #15 out of the top 25 nonfiction books for sale in the country. I cannot thank everybody that bought a copy of ’Just Beyond The Light’ enough!
Interestingly enough, once again, I was denied a spot on a certain other bestsellers list, even though just like with my first book, ’Dark Days’, I outsold several books on their ’bestseller’ list. According to BookScan, the gold-standard data service that tracks actual weekly retail sales of trade print books in the US, this time I outsold the ENTIRE BOTTOM HALF of their list, slots #8-15. That’s not one or two of the bottom of the list, that’s HALF the list. That’s ok though- I did not expect them to give it to me anyway. After all, I am a singer in a heavy metal band, and therefore am looked at as a caveman— I am used to condescending attitudes. This is slightly irritating, but I know the numbers…
Regardless, I don’t write books for ’prizes’ or places on lists, just like I don’t write music for trophies or chart placements. I do this because I am AN ARTIST, and I do this to hear stories like this one told to me by a man with tears in his eyes at a signing the other night:
’I had tried to kill myself, and was in a mental hospital. I could not name you a single LAMB OF GOD song, but they had your book ’Dark Days’ in there. I read it, and it helped me put my own struggles in perspective. I cannot thank you enough- it helped me get out of a very dark place. It still helps me today.’THAT is why I do that I do. To hear THAT, & to know that I have made a difference in someone’s life. Right now is a very scary & fucked up time in the world. Let’s stay present and hold each other up, ok? Because in the end, WE are all WE have.”
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