Lamb Of Godin tuore rumpali Art Cruz: ”Olen unelmoinut tästä koko elämäni”
Yhdysvaltalainen metallijätti Lamb Of God on julkaisemassa yhtyeen nimeä kantavan albumin 19. päivä kesäkuuta Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Bändin tuorein tulokas, rumpali Art Cruz, jakoi hiljattain Dead Rhetoricin Kyle McGinnille fiiliksiään muun muassa tulevasta albumista. Rumpalin mukaan bändin riveissä soittaminen on hänelle unelmien täyttymys. Cruz kertoo haastattelussa esimerkiksi miltä tuntuu olla bändissä ”se uusi jätkä”, ja vihjaa Lamb Of Godin olevan nyt niin luovassa tilassa, ettei ihmettelisi vaikka yhtye alkaisi heti karanteenin jälkeen kirjoittaa uutta musiikkia. Alta voit lukea muutamia otteita haastattelusta. Koko haastattelun voit lukea täältä.
Dead Rhetoric: You’ve been touring with the band for a few years. How’s it feel to finally have some material on disc that is your own?
Art Cruz: ”I’m very thankful. I’m very excited. This is the moment that I’ve been dreaming of my whole life. It’s a big deal. Given the circumstances, and being a new guy in an iconic band like Lamb of God, I’m just glad it’s finally here! It’s not my main thing in my life to do, but it’s important to me to put it out there, with what I am putting to the table and let fans know that the sound is there. We haven’t tainted the sound. It’s still Lamb. We are just starting another chapter in the book.”
Dead Rhetoric: What was the experience like, to write this album, as the new guy?
Cruz: ”It’s crazy, because my entire professional career of being a drummer has been involved with being ‘the new guy’ [laughs], so I’m fine-tuned in the sense of being new and/or the outsider, if you will. But this is definitely one of the first times in my career that I have definitely not felt like an outsider. I have been welcomed by everybody with open arms, from the band to the management and label…you name it. It’s just been a really beautiful experience. So it wasn’t too difficult, other than for being a little bit nervous, and the shell shock of everything happening. How fast it happened, as well as having some keyboard warriors around the world who get upset about every situation. But at the end of the day, I’m very happy and I’m very excited. Internally, it’s a beautiful time for the band.”
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