Lars Ulrich kertoo, mikä on Metallican kaupallisen menestyksen takana
Yhdysvaltalaisen, toukokuussa Euroopan-kiertueensa Suomeen päättävän Metallican rumpali Lars Ulrich otti osaa National Public Radion ”Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!” -nimiseen radio-ohjelmaan, jossa rumpalilta kysyttiin, mikä Metallicassa sai yhtyeen kasvamaan yhdeksi kaikkien aikojen suurimmista hard rock -bändeistä. Ulrichin mukaan menestyksen takana on ollut yhtyeen muista erottuva soundi:
”We were really inspired by what was going on in Europe [in the early 1980s]. So we took those European influences and kind of had a new sound. And so when you say, why did we end up becoming more well-known or whatever? It was because we had a different sound than most of what was going on in California and in the States at the time.”
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Ohjelmassa kysyttiin myös yhtyeen nimestä, mihin Ulrich kommentoi seuraavasti:
”Well, I came up here [to San Francisco], actually, in the spring of 1981 and ended up at a kegger over on Strawberry Hill. And I met a bunch of really cool San Francisco kids. One them was named Ron [Quintana]. And he told me he wanted to start his own fanzine, like a hard rock fanzine, where he wrote about all his favorite bands. And he wanted… he asked me whether he should call the fanzine Metallica or Metal Mania. So I suggested that he call it Metal Mania.”
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