As I Lay Dying vokalisti lavastettu syylliseksi?
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalcorea soittavan As I Lay Dyingin vokalistin Tim Lambesiksen asianajajan Anthony Salernon mukaan on hyvin mahdollista, että San Diegon poliisi on lavastanut hänen esimiehensä syylliseksi murhan tilaamiseen. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Anthonyn haastattelu Artisan Newsin kanssa.
“I would anticipate myself asking for quite a bit of additional discovery, particularly on this person I strongly suspect is a snitch and is an informant for the police and was really creating this whole scenario and sort of setting Tim up. I believe there’s a good probability he may be a police informant. And that information is only available internally with the police department, or in this case the San Diego Sheriff’s Department, and through the D.A.’s office, and that’s something I’m gonna have to explore as well.”
“There’s one other element to this, too, which is… I don’t want to start to make accusations on this one unless I have some more information, but I will point out that Tim‘s wife’s brother, I understand, is a San Diego Sheriff’s deputy, and I think I would be remiss if I didn’t fully explore that, ’cause that is a litte bit… it’s at the bare minimum very coincidental, and it may be more than that.”