Left To Vanishilta uusi kappale ja musikkivideo: ”Pity” nyt kuunneltavissa
Left To Vanish on julkaissut ensimmäisen kolmesta uudesta kappaleesta, jotka se aikoo julkaista vuoden 2021 alkupuolella. Ensimmäinen maistiainen on nimeltään ”Pity” ja siitä on tehty myös musiikkivideo. Yhtyeen kitaristi Sean Salm kommentoi:
“This was an important video for us to make. Coming back from a 8 year hiatus we feel like we have a lot to prove during this new era of Left to Vanish. We’ve all had our speed bumps adjusting to real life after the band split in 2009. Bob Meadows [ex-A Life Once Lost] — who has taken over vox when we reformed in 2017— has had his own personal battles after ALOL split in 2013. Transitioning from an active touring band to the ’9 to 5’ grind wasn’t easy, and over the years left us all with a void. Bob’s lyrics in ‘Pity‘ dives deep into depression, which in the video we wanted to capture seeking light in darkness. Its symbolism cuts deep in the Covid pandemic world we’re all navigating together currently, as we’re all looking for any sign of light. We’re excited over the course of the next few months to drop new music. When we came back from our hiatus in 2017, we quickly released ‘Dethroned‘, which was a follow up to our record ‘Versus The Throne‘ via Lifeforce Records in 2008. With our record ‘Dethroned‘ we were getting our legs back under us and was our first record with Bob. These new songs we’re about to release is LTV in our groove.”
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