Legendaarinen Udo Dirkschneider saapuu ensi viikolla Suomeen soittamaan Acceptin klassikoita: katso livevideoita miehen esiintymisestä Ruotsissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.2.2016

udodirkschneidergothenburg2016_638Saksalainen heavy metal -laulaja Udo Dirkschneider saapuu ensi viikolla uransa viimeistä kertaa laulamaan entisen yhtyeensä Acceptin klassikkokappaleita Suomeen. Mies on esiintynyt ennen Suomeen saapumista Ruotsissa ja voit katsoa livevideoita Udon Trädgårin keikalta Göteborgista tästä:

Udo Dirkschneider on aiemmin kommentoinut toimittaja Mitch Lafonille päätöstään laulaa Acceptin kappaleita vielä kertaalleen seuraavasti:

”A lot of people ask me, ’Why do you do this?’ And I said… Always people are asking, ’Oh, can you play this ACCEPT song and this ACCEPT song and this ACCEPT song?’ I mean, I have fifteen U.D.O. albums out, and, for me now, U.D.O. is U.D.O. Of course, I know that the people like to hear ACCEPT songs with my voice, but I wanna close something — I wanna close, like a book, and say, ’Okay, that’s it. I read it.’ Sometimes you have to come to an end with something. I wanna close up everything with ACCEPT. And this will be the last time. And I said, okay, I’ll do one more tour. It will be a world tour. Hopefully we can do this also for America, around maybe a couple of shows. And yeah, that will be the last time that you… When we are on tour with U.D.O., we’ll never play any ACCEPT songs again.”

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”I also wanna stop to be compared with… Now ACCEPT is still on tour, and they have a new singer, and they are doing also ’Balls To The Wall’ and they are doing also ’Metal Heart’, they do ’Princess Of The Dawn’. And I don’t wanna be always compared and have to say, ’What do you think about this and this and this?’ This is also another reason. I wanna close the ACCEPT chapter. I mean, it was a great… I mean, in a way, I was creating this band, you know. Sometimes you have to say, ’Okay, that’s it.’ I have enough U.D.O. songs, so I can play more U.D.O. songs and be U.D.O. I can say without being arrogant, U.D.O. has its own fan base now. Sometimes you have to say, ’Okay, that’s it.'”

”There is a band called ACCEPT. And please, if you wanna hear these songs, please go then to [see] ACCEPT. [Laughs] So that’s the only thing I can say. Now you’ll have the chance next year to hear it with the original voice, but Mark [Tornillo, current ACCEPT singer] is doing a — I would say — really good job on it, so please go there and listen then to ACCEPT and U.D.O. is then U.D.O.”

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