Leprous julkaisi orkestraalisen ”Running Low” -kappaleen
Norjalainen Leprous julkaisi uuden, orkestraalisen ”Running Low” -kappaleen. Bändiltä on myös ilmestymässä elokuun 27. päivä albumi ”Aphelion” Inside Out Musicin kautta.
Bändin laulaja Einar Solberg kertoi kappaleen teosta seuraavaa:
”The initial idea for ’Running Low’ started when I had decided to force myself to write a sketch on my phone on a way up to a mountain top called Himingen in Telemark, Norway. It felt completely pointless while I was doing it, but when I came back, I was able to go further with it and actually structure it into a proper composition. Then we met up in Cederberg Studios together with the band to take it even further. This song is a proof that even the smallest sparks can turn into a big flame. Despite being a band who always wants to explore new territories, I believe ’Running Low’ can easily unite both our old and new fan base.”