Levykuuntelu: Eskimo Callboy – ”Bury Me In Vegas”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.3.2012

Saksalainen ”electrocoreksi” omaa musiikkian kuvaileva Eskimo Callboy julkaisee tänään uuden ”Bury Me In Vegas” nimeä kantavan albuminsa. Albumilla kuullaan myös kotimaisia muusikoita, kun One Morning Leftistä tutut Mika ”Miksu” Lahti sekä Tomi Salonen vierailevat kappaleessa nimeltä ”Transilvanian Cunthunger”. Kaaoszine yhteistyössä Redfield Recordsin kanssa tarjoaa nyt lukijoilleen viikon ajan mahdollisuuden kuunnella albumin kokonaisuudessaan sivustollaan. Lue lisää kuunnellaksesi albumi sekä lukeaksesi selitykset kappaleisiin liittyen.

Albumi kappale kappaleelta (englanniksi):

1. Bury Me in Vegas

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This song is the first one of our album and picks up the desire for glamour, famousness und the problems this will cause in your daily relationship.

2. The Kerosene Dance

This track is about personal experiences and emotions, which come up when you sacrifice yourself for a person, who doesn´t appreciate it.

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3. Internude

As you can guess by the title, this track is an interlude for the next song…

4. Is Anyone Up

It lampoons todays´s usually airy use of social media. We use for it a simple, raunchy and sarcastically language.

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5. Wonderbra Boulevard

This song is about an ice man, who is selling is tasty icecream only for the reason to get his hands onto the hot mums at the Wonderbra Boulevard. He is most of the time annoyed by their children.

6. Legendary Sleeping Assault

This track affords eine short, electronical time-out from the guitar-riffs and prepares yourself at the same time for a wild partynight.

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7. Light The Skyline

It´s about a desire for a sincere person to share happiness and suffering, without any doubt for the honesty of this person. We use the meaningful „George Foreman Grill“ to describe this scene.

8. 5$ Bitchcore

This is about the absolute partynight with loll balls and after all with empty pockets and wallets.

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9. Transilvanian Cunthunger

This song shows an alternative partynight with dead persons. Monsters and weird zombie-ladies are drinking the sparkling wine together.

10. Muffin Purper-Gurk

The farewell of a hairy and loyal companion together with the burst of the grief. Muuuuuffiiiiiiin….!

 11. Snow Covered Polaroids

Emotions, good and bad moments in your life seeming to to flash by and fade away at the end, because you can only keep them in your memories.