Lifelover kitaristi kuollut

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.9.2011

Ruotsalaisen metalli yhtye Lifeloverin kitaristi Jonas Berggvist (a.k.a. B) on kuollut. Mies löytyi kotoaan kuolleena eikä syytä kuolemaan ole vielä tiedossa. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Lifeloverin levy-yhtiön Prophecy Productionsin virallinen viesti aiheeseen liittyen.

”The message of Jonas’s passing came as a surprise to the Prophecy team. Hence we lack the appropriate words for this tragic event.

”To us, Jonas wasn’t just a very creative artist, but also a pleasant and enthusiastic person. It is for certain that we won’t be the only ones missing his character, his passion, and his unique musical language.

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”In the face of this tragic loss, we would very much like to extend our heartfelt condolence towards Jonas’s family, his friends, and the remaining musicians of LIFELOVER.”