Limp Bizkitin kitaristi kertoo yhtyeen tulevan albumin jatkuvasta viivästymisestä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.2.2015

Limp BizkitYhdysvaltalaisen rock -yhtye Limp Bizkitin kitaristi Wes Borland on antanut hiljattain haastattelu Metal Insider -julkaisulle, jossa paljastaa syitä yhtyeen vuonna 2012 aloittaman uuden albumin ”Stampede Of The Disco Elephants” myöhästymiseen. Voit lukea Wes Borlandin mietteitä aiheen tiimoilta tästä:

”To be blatantly honest about it, the new album has gone through so many different alterations and so many different sessions… I mean, we’ve gone into five different studios now,” he said. ”I think we’re up to 28 songs, or maybe even more. And those are completed songs. Fred [Durst] has been working on vocals in his home studio nonstop for months and months. He’s told me that he’s almost finished, but I don’t know what amount of the 28 songs has been finished. I know that he re-records and trashes vocals all the time. I don’t know, I think he’s in a mode where he’s liking something that he’s doing and not liking other stuff. But I think he’s just now starting to feel a lot more confident in what he’s putting in the songs.”

He continued: ”The album’s really weird. There’s a lot of weird things that we did, that we tried. There are things that aren’t really full songs… Basically, we bit off a huge chunk and now we’re trying to make sense of it. So I think it’ll be out this year. If it’s not… I don’t know. [Laughs] I think it’ll be out this year… I can’t imagine it’s going to be much longer. I know Fred’s been in his studio almost every day for months, just grinding away.”

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