Linkin Parkilta päivitys tulevaan albumiin liittyen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.2.2014

Linkin ParkYhdysvaltalaisen rockia soittavan Linkin Parkin vokalisti Mike Shinoda on postittanut verkkoon päivityksen liittyen yhtyeen tulevan albumin valmistumiseen. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Miken kirjoitus. 

”As most LINKIN PARK fans know, the sound of each album is usually quite different from the last. The new album is no exception. But as usual, the album’s sound twists and turns as it is created, so any attempt at estimating what it sounds like today would be silly.”

”I’m kind of at the wheel, and I take it as my responsibility to make sure that we’ve got collectively a very clear vision of where we want to go, and that the inspiration and motivation levels are high. I want to feel like every record we make is really inspired and we feel good about it.”

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy

”This album has been the product of a mix of focused experimentation and free form jamming. We’re even tracking parts to tape instead of going exclusively digital.”