Linkin Parkin Mike Shinodalta uusi päivitys liittyen yhtyeen tulevaan albumiin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.4.2016

Linkin Park Studio 2016Yhdysvaltalainen rock-yhtye Linkin Park on parhaillaan studiossa viimeistelemässä järjestyksessään seitsemättä albumiaan. Yhtyeen toinen vokalisteista Mike Shinoda on julkaissut virallisen päivityksen liittyen yhtyeen edistymiseen tulevan albumin suhteen ja voit lukea tuon päivityksen tästä:

”As things move forward, you might be the first ones to learn about certain parts of the album. Not sure what that means yet—could be a song title, a lyric, who knows.

We just started narrowing down to some of our favorite songs, and we’re starting to put our first “final” vocals on them. As I listen through them, I feel like these songs are really personal and revealing. We have really poured our hearts into the words and melodies, and it’s starting to show as we approach recording the “keeper” vocals.

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With that said, we’ve got a lot of material to choose from, and decided to get votes from all six of the guys in the band, to see which songs are rising to the top. We clearly have an album in there. We’re looking forward to getting the vocals right, and starting to put sounds on them. Keyboards/samples and drums are high on the list…but first, we’re going to get some of these vocals nailed down.

More to come…
– Mike (with Brad and Chester looking over my shoulder at this email. They say “hi” by the way)

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