Machine Head täsmentää riviensä rakoilua: yhtye ei ole lopettamassa
Kirjoittanut Samuel Järvinen - 1.10.2018
Machine Head
Uutisoimme hiljattain, että yhdysvaltalaisen groove metal -yhtye Machine Headin jäsenistö on vaihtumassa. Bändin rumpali Dave McClainin ja kitaristi Phil Demmel ovat kertoneet eroavansa bändistä yhtyeen Pohjois-Amerikan kiertueen jälkeen. Nyt yhtye on kuitenkin julkaissut virallisen ja selventävän tiedotteen, jonka mukaan bändin ei ole tarkoitus lopettaa kokonaan. Uusi ja ”viimeinen” kiertue tulee olemaan viimeinen ainoastaan yhtyeen nykyisellä kokoonpanolla. Yhtye kertoo:
“After 23 years with Dave McClain pounding the skins at the drum throne, and 15 years with Phil Demmel shredding the guitar on stage right, both members have decided to move on from Machine Head and open a new chapter in their lives.
The upcoming Freaks & Zeroes Tour of North America (that starts this Thursday in Sacramento, CA) is still happening, and will be a celebration of the music that the line-up have created throughout the years. The split is amicable, and the guys are looking forward to playing these very special shows for the Head Cases of North America and ending this era on a positive and classy note.
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Head to our YouTube page to watch Robb‘s emotional announcement.
To clarify: this is the Farewell Tour of this line-up of Machine Head, not the Farewell Tour of Machine Head, as has been reported in the media.
Machine Head wish to thank Phil and Dave for their significant contributions to the band, both musically and lyrically, as well for the spirit, genuine passion they infused into the music, and legendary live performances brought along the way.
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Machine Head ask that you, the Head Cases, the Freaks & Zeroes, the Lion Hearts of America, come down and have a drink (or 5), a joint (or 3), rage at the shows, let your freak-flag-fly, and celebrate this unique moment in time with us.