Machine Head vokalistilta uusi kirjoitus yhtyeen tulevaan albumiin liittyen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.10.2014

Machine Head 2014Yhdysvaltalaisen metallia soittavan Machine Headin vokalisti Robb Flynn on julkaissut omassa blogissaan uuden kirjoituksen, jossa kertoo yhtyeen tulevan ”Bloodstone & Diamonds” albumin teosta. Mies paljastaa kyseisessä kirjoituksessa, että englantilaisen metalcorea soittavan Bring Me The Horizonin kosketinsoittaja Jordan Fish auttoi yhtyettä ”In Comes The Flood” -nimisen kappaleen teossa. Voit lukea Flynnin uusimman kirjoituksen tästä:

“I had room 410 at the Hotel Flora, the artist loft, and every morning (well the crack of 4PM) I woke up it was raining on the patina copper rooftops outside my window. It was a pleasant sound. A church was down the street, and on the hour the bell would toll. It’s a beautiful city and looking out every morning with a gloriously mild hangover, looking at the patina and gold rooftops, listening to the rain, it was inspiring.

I needed to write the lyrics and sing on one last song on the record, a really mellow piece that Dave had written and played guitar on, and that Jordan Fish and I had worked out a keyboard arrangement on. I named this track “Damage Inside.” Our friend Biffen had booked us time the next day at a studio called Top Floor studios, and that morning I woke up, wrote the lyrics on my iPhone notes, a lot of which were what I was experiencing in Gothenburg, the first lines I wrote were:

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“The bell tolls on as the rain comes down
On my face the drops they sound
I slowly melt into grey abyss
Depression and her endless kiss”…

I walked over to the studio cross the street from the hotel, and sang the vocals. I free-styled the rest of the lyrics, making it up in the booth. And somehow, after 2 nights of quality raging in Goteborg, my voice had this perfect vodka and cigarette “rasp”, I don’t know if I could have gotten it otherwise. It was exactly how I’d envisioned it, even though I had no idea how was going to end up.

I tried a bunch of different things, until finally something stuck. That’s how music is. You just keep on trying different ideas until they stick. Sometimes it can take months, thankfully this song came together quick. And I knew it would. I had put the song title in the track listing when the final art had already been submitted and printed, even though the song still wasn’t even worked on, but just had a feeling it would come together in the end.

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Committing it to the track listing willed it to power. Sometimes just letting something ferment, not thinking about it, but knowing that if you keep it out of your mind long enough, that when you finally do approach it, the ideas are going to come pouring.

And that’s exactly what happened.

In the end, I decided to start the song off acapella, (no music, just a single vocal). It was a first for us, and was a little scary, but in the end it turned out very cool. Way left-field for the album, but something I think is really different. The guitar is all Dave McClain who as you know is more known for his drumming in Machine Head than his guitar playing. It was an MP3 he recorded years ago. We had tried to re-work it a few times, but somehow it was never as cool as the very first pass he did on his laptop. So I just used that lo-res MP3, and added some cool keys, and a cool vocal.”

Machine Headin seuraava albumi ”Bloodstone & Diamonds” ilmestyy marraskuun 10. päivä Nuclear Blast Entertainmentin kautta.

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