Machine Headilta musiikkivideo tulevan albumin nimikkokappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.12.2017

Yhdysvaltalainen groove metal -jättiläinen Machine Head on julkaissut YouTubessa musiikkivideon tulevan ”Catharsis” -nimisen albuminsa nimikkokappaleesta. ”Catharsis” julkaistaan tammikuun 26. päivä. Uuden videon voit katsoa tästä:

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Yhtyeen laulaja-kitaristi Robb Flynn on kertonut videosta seuraavaa:

”’Catharsis’ was a tricky concept to translate to a visual. How do you express somebody’s catharsis? Frasier, the director, brought up the Butoh dance concept and it tied in so well into the idea of what catharsis could be. And when the Butoh dancers began performing for the video, we were blown away. Their expressions were so pained, almost horrifying, and yet very sad, it was extremely moving.

On a personal level, I related to this aspect. My uncle Jimmy lived with us for years while growing up. He had experienced some pretty severe drug testing when he was younger and didn’t come out of it very well. For the rest of his life, he would do things like not eat for seven days straight and talk to Jesus all day. It was a trip to grow up with that at home. So, we took these disparate elements and turned them into a very cinematic and psychedelic visual to express that.

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We love making videos now. There used to be a bunch of rules and around what you could and couldn’t do in a music video. Most of it was a boring performance, with us ’pretending’ to play and sing the song. Now, it’s like making a crazy, whacked-out movie. You can get weird and strange and have a blast. We are super proud of how well this video tuned out!”