Machine Headin Robb Flynn hehkuttaa: ”Tykkään uudenlaisesta musiikkibisneksestä”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.7.2016

Machine Head 2016Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Machine Headin laulaja-kitaristi Robb Flynn on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Full Metal Jackien luotsaamalle radio-ohjelmalle, jossa Flynniltä on udeltu mielipidettä musiikkibisneksen tämän hetkisestä tilanteesta. Robb Flynn on haastattelussa kertonut olevansa vastoin monia kollegoitaan varsin tyytyväinen musiikkibisneksen nykyiseen tilanteeseen kun voit halutessasi julkaista vaikka vain kappaleen musiikkia kerrallaan viitaten yhtyeen hiljattain julkaisemaan ”Is There Anybody Out There?” -nimiseen kappaleeseen. Voit lukea Flynnin mietteitä musiikkibisneksen nykytilanteesta tästä:

“Well, we had this, I wrote this great song. I was super stoked on it and I was like ‘There’s no reason that we can’t just put this song out now.’ You know, we’ve just wrapped up or we’re getting ready to wrap up a 20-month tour cycle behind ‘Bloodstone and Diamonds‘, which was amazing and we got to go to all kinds of places we’ve never been before. And, it was amazing and it’s going to take us a while to write a record. We’ve got this killer song, you know, let’s put it out.

That’s the most amazing thing to me, a lot of the older guys, they tend to miss the Golden Age or whatever you want to call it, of the music business. I love the way things are now. I love the new music business. I love that you can just put a song up on Spotify and YouTube and iTunes and Apple Music. Everybody can hear it, everybody can talk crap on the Internet and say it’s the best thing we’ve ever done or the worst thing we’ve ever done. To me, that’s amazing.

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And, you know, I was just very excited about the song. I feel like there is something special. I felt like we had something that, you know, was just a great song. And why wait? Like we don’t have to wait. We don’t have to put it all on a record and wait until it’s a collection of 10 songs. I talked to the label. The label heard the song and they loved it. They flipped out and they were like ‘We should try and take this to radio. Let’s just put it out as a song.’ So, we did.”

Voit kuunnella haastattelussa aiheena olevan ”Is There Anybody Out There?” -nimisen kappaleen tästä:

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