Machine Headin Robb Flynn jakoi cover-versionsa Linkin Parkin kappaleesta ”In The End”

Kirjoittanut Janne Ollikainen - 23.7.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Machine Headin keulamies Robb Flynn on jakanut sosiaalisessa mediassa tulkintansa Linkin Parkin ”In The End” -kappaleesta. Video on taltioitu kolme vuotta sittten Flynnin syntymäpäiväjuhlissa, vain muutama päivä Linkin Parkin laulaja Chester Benningtonin kuoleman jälkeen. Flynn kirjoitti videon ohessa:

”3 years ago we performed this song at my birthday bash after learning of Chester’s horrible death only a couple of days before. We were shocked and saddened, and I think most of us were still recovering from Chris Cornell’s sudden and tragic death, when this came along and hit us like a ton of bricks. I know people are gonna pooh pooh this, but I don’t give a shit. I love Linkin Park, I saw them before the first record even dropped opening for Orgy at the Maritime hall. I saw them almost every time they came to the Bay Area, and they always put on a fantastic fucking show. Played numerous festivals with them, saw them in Paris France doing promotion for the blackening, and I saw them again in Belarus well getting ready to tour for bloodstone and diamonds. I know Chester‘s passing was yesterday, but it seemed appropriate to share this heartfelt cover. Shout out to J-Mac for bringing it on the chorus.”

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