Machine Headin Robb Flynn lanseerasi Shotgun Blast -viskin
Machine Head -vokalisti Robb Flynn on lanseerannut Shotgun Blast Whiskeyn. Viski on vahvuudeltaan 45% ja se myydään sahatun haulikon muotoisissa pulloissa teemaan sopivien shottilasien kera.
Flynn kertoo:
“We are beyond stoked to be doing this. As most of you know, Machine Head has always been a drinking band, from our first shows playing kegger parties, to sending out a hearty ‘cheers’ to 70,000 of our friends while headlining Hellfest last year, both Machine Head and the Head Cases like a drink or 3. So last year when the opportunity presented itself to deliver a premium bourbon whiskey, it was a bit of a no-brainer.”