Magnumin pääasiallinen kappaleiden kirjoittaja Tony Clarkin on kuollut 77 vuoden iässä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.1.2024

Englantilaisen pitkän linjan rockyhtyeen Magnumin pääasiallinen säveltäjä ja kitaristi Tony Clarkin on kuollut 77 vuoden iässä. Clarkin sairastui ennen kuolemaansa harvinaiseen sekä parantumattomaan selkärangan sairauteen, joka lopulta koitui kitaristin kohtaloksi. Voit lukea Clarkinin perheen virallisen viestin aiheesta tästä:

”On behalf of the family it is with profound sadness that daughter Dionne Clarkin is sharing the news of the passing of Tony Clarkin. Following a short illness, he died peacefully surrounded by his girls on Sunday 7th January 2024.

”I know that Tony has touched so many people through his music in so many different ways. I don’t really have words to express what he meant to me right now as the grief is too fresh.

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”As many of you know Tony had a great affinity with animals. It is the family’s intention to set up a charitable trust in his name to aid this cause, further details to follow. Please do not send flowers or cards, as he would have much preferred expressions of sympathy to go to charity in this way.

”It was a privilege to call him my Dad.”

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