Make Them Suffer julkaisi uuden singlen ”Mana God” musiikkivideoineen

Kirjoittanut Kasper Piippo - 11.10.2024

Australialainen progressiivista deathcorea soittava Make Them Suffer on julkaissut singlen ”Mana God”. Musiikkivideon kanssa julkaistu single on ensimaistiainen yhtyeen seuraavalta, marraskuun 8. päivä julkaistavalta studioalbumilta.

Yhtyeen laulaja Sean Harmanin kertoo kappleesta:

“There is a fine line to tread when discussing a song like ‘Mana God‘ without sounding like a crazed conspiracy theorist. I feel we’ve now reached a point in time where the systems of control in our day-to-day lives are both present and obvious to most rational minds. Despite this, having conversations about topics like this are becoming increasingly difficult and are often considered inflammatory. ‘Mana God‘ is a song about control. The control that the media can have over our thoughts and views. The control that religious organisations can have over people’s lives. The level of control that governments are able to enforce and most importantly the control that we are often held under by our own technological devices and their algorithms. ‘Mana God,’ to me, is a call to action, to break away from the current systems of control and return to a space where communication and human connection are nurtured and encouraged.”

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Sean Harmanin

Katso ”Mana God” musiikkivideo alta.