Old Man Gloomin rumpali selventää yhtyeen taloudellista tilannetta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.12.2014

Old Man Gloom 2014Yhdysvaltalaisen post-metal -yhtye Old Man Gloomin rumpali Santos Montano on julkaissut virallisen viestin verkossa, jossa aukaisee hieman yhtyeen taloudellista tilannetta. Miehen mukaan yhtye soitti yhdysvalloissa yhden kiertueen aikana vuonna 2012 kuusi keikkaa noin 350 hengen klubeissa, joista yhtyeen jäsenet tienasivat noin 2500 dollaria per jäsen. Voit lukea miehen kirjoituksen aiheeseen liittyen tästä:

“Here’s a brief example of a tour I was on, and I hope my bandmates don’t get angry at me for revealing our secrets. Old Man Gloom toured the west coast in 2012. I don’t have every figure, but I can estimate. We are 4 people, plus a front of house sound guy. We played 6 shows. We played the Echo in L.A., Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco, and other clubs in Portland, Seattle, San Diego, and Chico, all at around 350-capacity. All of the shows were sold out, or very close. We each paid for our own plane tickets, around $350. We rented a van from another band in Seattle.

Here’s the thing about vans: a lot of bands have them, and for the most part they sit and wait for someone to take them on tour, which makes it easy to rent them from another band (assuming you know other bands). We also rented our gear from other bands on the west coast. You always assure the person that if anything happens, ANYTHING, it will be fixed, and they will get it in the state they gave it. Same goes with vans. We stayed in hotels every night, even while rehearsing, and paid our front of house guy what he asked for (including airfare). We sold our own merch, and gave per diems.

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We didn’t have a tour manager. Normally one of us does the tour managing duties. No biggie. At the end of the tour, we each walked away with around $2,500. Playing in bigger rooms, to more people, well, that means you make more money, as nothing really needs to change when you’re bouncing up to 700-1,000 capacity rooms.

We’re happy in our place, and feel lucky to still be playing to people. We’re also totally stoked to walk away with that much money for a weeks’ worth of shows. Even adding a tour manager and a person to sell merch, which are reasonable things for people to do, shouldn’t affect your bottom line too much when going to the 700-1000 size rooms.”

Kirjoitus on vastine Pitchforkin hiljattain julkaisemalle artikkelille, jonka mukaan yhtye nimeltä Pomplamoose tienasi kiertueilla vuoden aikana $135,983 dollaria jääden niistä kuitenkin tappiolle $11,819 dollaria.

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