Manowarin Joey DeMaio: ”The Final Battle -kiertue ei ole jäämässä meidän viimeiseksi”
Yhdysvaltalainen heavy metal -yhtye Manowar ei ole lopettamassa uraansa ”The Final Battle” -nimiseen kiertueeseen, toisin kuin on uutisoitu. Yhtyeen basisti ja perustaja Joey DeMaio on kertonut tuoreessa bulgarialaisen Z Rock Radion haastattelussa, että bändi ei ole todellakaan lopettamassa uraansa vaan aikoo pitää ainoastaan breikin Joeyn keskittyessä saamaan valmiiksi tulevan rockoopperansa. Joey kertoi Manowarin tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista seuraavaa:
”Thank you, thank you, thank you for asking the question. No offense, but some journalists, if they don’t get the story they want, they create the story they want. Some journalists feel like they have to come up with something that’s so ’wow,’ the magazines will sell and people will really tune. And I understand that, because journalists make their money by what they write and photographers make their money by having a ’wow’ picture. But I’m very protective over our fans, and when people write shit that ends up affecting and causing problems for our fans, I get mad.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I’ve been writing a rock opera, rock musical — whatever you wanna call it — for a few years, and I said, in an announcement, we are going to be taking a break, and I said, ’We’re gonna say goodbye for a while,'” DeMaio explained, using some of the words that were never included in MANOWAR’s original tour announcement. ”And that was somehow mixed and reinterpreted all over the world as, ’They’re breaking up. They’re retiring. MANOWAR’s finished. It’s over.’ And I suppose [calling the tour] ’The Final Battle’ didn’t help when people wanted to really put wood on the fire.
”But the answer is: here we are. Yes, we are gonna take a break. ’Cause I have to finish this, because it’s a special project very close to my heart and to the hearts of a lot of people. But, no, we are not retiring. I’m too young to retire. I’m like Peter Pan — I’m a boy in a man’s body. I’m, like, 15 years old in my mind.”