Manowarin keikka Barcelona Rock Festissa peruuntuu: Yhtye uhkaa haastaa järjestäjän oikeuteen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.6.2022

Yhdysvaltalainen heavy metal -yhtye Manowar joutui vuonna 2019 tukkanuottasille Ranskan suurimman metallifestivaalin Hellfestin kanssa ja tämän seurauksena yhtyeen keikka festivaalissa peruuntui. Yhtye uhkasi tuolloin haastaa Hellfestin oikeuteen sopimusrikkomuksista ja nyt edessä näyttäisi olevan sama homma Barcelona Rock Festin kanssa. Yhtyeen oli määrä esiintyä festivaalissa 30. päivä kesäkuuta mutta nyt ilmeisesti erinäisten ristiriitojen vuoksi keikka on järjestäjän puolelta peruttu ja tilalle on buukattu esiintymään Avantasia.

Manowar on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen tiedotteen, jossa se uhkaa haastavansa festivaalin promoottorin oikeuteen mikäli totuutta ei tuoda esille ja voit lukea tiedotteen tästä:

”Regarding Barcelona Rock Fest 2022
Dear Fans,
We just found out at the same time as you that the BRF Promoter is not counting on us for the performance on June 30th.
We must tell you that whatever he is posting about Manowar is completely false and we will take appropriate legal action against him.
The promoter agreed with us in September 2021 some conditions for the performance and now refuses to comply with them.
We are aware that he had already signed a performance with Avantasia, when we were still trying to sort the issue out with him. He’s done it all behind our backs.
We reiterate that, unfortunately in the organization of the Festival there have been many irregularities that sooner or later will have to come to light.
We didn’t demand any last-minute conditions. What we demand as logically is what was agreed and that now the promoter refuses to comply provoking for reasons solely attributable to him that we do not perform at the Festival.
The sole responsible for this whole situation is the Promoter. We tried until the last moment, to keep the contract we had. In fact, we thought we still had time to fix all this when we got surprised by the announcement of the new group. The only thing the Promoter is after is enriching himself at the expense of us by acting ruthlessly and without considering the preferences of you, the fans.
We deeply regret this situation as we had a great desire to reunite with our fans at the Barcelona Rock Festival 2022.
Don’t doubt that the truth will come out, with the help of Spanish justice if necessary.”

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Yhtye vakuuttaa myöskin faneilleen, että seuraava keikka Laurus Nobilis -festivaalissa Portugalissa 21. päivä heinäkuuta tulee toteutumaan sovitun mukaisesti eikä riidat Espanjan keikan osalta tule heijastumaan Portugalin keikkaan. Voit lukea tiedotteen tästä:

”For those with any question about our forthcoming appearance at Laurus Nobilis Festival Portugal be sure that the unfortunate development in Spain has no impact on this performance.
We will be there on July 21, 2022 and can’t wait to continue Crushing The Enemies Of Metal!
Anyone who has purchased a ticket to see MANOWAR at Barcelona Rock Fest: We are very sorry about the promoter’s actions. We hope you will be able to have your monies refunded if that is what you seek do you.
We are sorry for any inconvenience, but the situation was and is beyond our control.
If you can, come and see us in Portugal.
MANOWAR and your Portuguese Brothers and Sisters will welcome you with open arms.”

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