Mantas toivoisi Venomin klassisen kokoonpanon tekevän paluun ”Black Metal” -albumin juhlakiertueelle

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.3.2022

Metallimusiikin legendoihin lukeutuvan Venomin klassikkoalbumi ”Black Metal” täyttää 40 vuotta marraskuun 2. päivä ja yhtyeen klassiseen kokoonpanoon lukeutunut kitaristi Jeffrey ”Mantas” Dunn toivoisi bändin jäsenten saavan riitansa sovittua jotta he voisivat soittaa juhlakiertueen albumin tiimoilta yhdessä. Mantas jätti Conrad ”Cronos” Lantin luotsaaman Venomin vuonna 2002 erimielisyyksien seurauksena ja albumilla soittanut rumpali Anthony ”Abaddon” Bray jätti puolestaan yhtyeen vuonna 2018. Mantas kertoi omista ajatuksistaan mahdollisen juhlakiertueen tiimoilta seuraavaa:

”I’ll never retract anything I’ve said, because I’m sorry but it’s true. Regardless of what him or him thinks, it’s true; it’s just as simple as that. I’m not gonna go out there and blatantly talk a lot of bollocks like one of us did. What I’ve said is absolutely true, and I’ve put it in print — into the book as well. It’s there. It’s absolutely true. But we’re at that age now — I’m 60; Bray’s, like, 61; Conrad’s what — 58, 59? We’ve just been through a massive fucking pandemic where nobody’s done anything. We’ve got fucking a war in Europe at the minute. [All the issues we’ve had with each other], it fucking pales into insignificance; it’s fucking bollocks.

”Like I say, I’ll never fucking say ’sorry’; I’ll never fucking turn around and go, ’Yeah, well, I didn’t fucking mean that. What I said was fucking true. But we missed the 25th anniversary. We didn’t celebrate the 30th anniversary. And it’s, like, for a band who had such a fucking impact… And, again, my friends, I still find it difficult to take in myself, people saying…

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”When I did the interviews for the 40th anniversary of Welcome To Hell — there’s another anniversary we fucking missed; nothing done about it; it just passed. But the thing was, I got these interviews in, and people were saying to me, ’You just don’t realize the importance of what you did.’ I don’t, because I suppose we were so close to it. I’ve said it a million times — I was just a fucking kid writing tunes in my fucking bedroom living with my mom, and I was lucky; people fucking dig them.

”But it’s, like, could we not just fucking celebrate this for once? I mean, fucking hell — I’ve already died once. And fucking you haven’t got long, and you haven’t got long, because I know what you’ve fucking done to yourselves.”

Tuosta vielä ”Black Metal” -albumi kuunteluun lauantain ratoksi:

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