Mardukista tutun Mortuusin ambient-projekti DomJord näki päivänvalon: ”Sporer”-albumi kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan
Ruotsalaisen black metalin kentällä vaikuttavista Mardukista ja Funeral Mistista tunnettu Daniel ”Mortuus” Rostén on tehnyt uuden aluevaltauksen ambientin parissa DomJord-nimisen projektinsa myötä. ”Sporer”-nimeä kantava albumi on julkaistu maaliskuun 13. päivä Ajna Offensiven ja Norma Evangelium Diabolin kautta. Bardo Methodologylle antamassaan haastattelussa Rostén kertoo projektistaan seuraavaa:
”As everyone knows, certain situations call for certain music and certain moods call for certain tunes; having long searched for this specific type of sound without ever really finding anything even remotely close to what I had in mind, I simply decided to make it myself.
Very melodic, fairly repetitive, somewhat minimalistic – pulsating and hypnotic, lots of contrast, lots of texture and, as just stated, all electronic… and not that I want to tell people how to listen to music, but this is laydown-close-your-eyes-and-float-away-music. In other words, the complete opposite of everything I’ve ever released, performed, or taken part of before. As for genre classifications, I’ll leave that to others.”
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