Marilyn Manson ja Rob Zombie yhteistyössä: kuuntele The Beatles -cover ”Helter Skelter”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 12.7.2018

Kauhurock-kaksikko Marilyn Manson ja Rob Zombie aloittivat eilen kuukauden mittaisen yhteiskiertueen kattaen Pohjois-Amerikan kaupunkeja. Kaksikolta ilmestyi myös uusi studionauhoitus heidän coveroidessaan legendaarisen The Beatles -yhtyeen vuonna 1968 julkaistun kappaleen ”Helter Skelter”. Näin Rob Zombie kuvailee yhteistyökuviota Mansonin kanssa ja kappaleen valintaa Rolling Stone -lehden haastattelussa:

”We had been talking about doing something together for these shows — that he should come onstage during my set and we’d do a song. But we couldn’t think of what song. After we talked, later that night I was home and I just thought the obvious song is ’Helter Skelter’… It’s so obvious that neither one of us thought of it! And then I figured, ’Well, rather than us just doing it onstage, why don’t we take it one step further and record it and put a new spin on it?’ That way, rather than just doing some impromptu jam together, now the fans will go, ’Oh, there’s the song I’ve already heard, and now they’re doing it. My thought when it comes to covers is to stick close to the original. Because in my mind, what’s the actual point of doing a cover if no one can recognize it? So with our version, I think it varies as much as it can from the original, but not so much that it becomes a different song.”

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