Marilyn Manson kommentoi levy-yhtiön vaihtoa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 2.4.2012

Yhdysvaltalainen rockia soittava Marilyn Manson on kommentoinut hiljattain Revolver -lehdelle antamassaan haastattelussa, että miksi hän vaihtoi Interscope Recordsin uuteen Cooking Vinyl Recordsiin. Marilyn Manson julkaisee uuden ”Born Villain” nimeä kantavan albuminsa huhtikuun 30. päivä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Marilyn Mansonin tilitys Interscopesta.

“Born Villain is your first album to be released by the label Cooking Vinyl in conjunction with your own label, Hell, Etc. What was the problem with Interscope, your former label?

”They don’t care about music. They never did. I mean, Jimmy Iovine used to, when he produced records a long time ago, They care about Vitamin Water… And when you’ve got so much money, it’s just about ego. I don’t really care what their problem is. I was just happy to get out of there. And I have to be objective. I don’t take it personally. I don’t regret the records I made — I regret the way they treated them. I think I made great records, and they tried to dilute the very essence of what they signed me for. “Don’t be so offensive” — what the fuck does that mean? “Don’t be what we signed you for. Don’t be what you are.””

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