Marilyn Manson tulevasta albumistaan: ”Se on tutkimusmatka kauhujen kammioon päässäni”
Yhdysvaltalainen kauhurokkari Marilyn Manson on julkaisemassa seuraavan, vielä toistaiseksi nimeämättömän albuminsa vuoden 2019 lopulla. Mies on antanut tulevaan albumiinsa liittyen hiljattain Revolver Magazinelle haastattelun, jossa on kertonut päätöksestään työstää albumia yhdessä country rockia soittavan Shooter Jenningsin kanssa. Manson kertoi yhteistyöstään seuraavaa:
”Me and Shooter first met to do a song for ’Sons Of Anarchy’, before I ended up being on [the show]. We didn’t end up doing the song for it. We decided it wasn’t right for us. We did the [David] Bowie cover [’Cat People’], and then we wanted to do more work together, but we had different things going on — I broke my leg; you know the story of what happened. But I think it was in about November of last year, we got together to hang out and listen to music, and I think we found a common bond with Bowie’s ’Diamond Dogs’, and just the way that it tells stories in the songs.
Last night, I was working pretty late in the studio, and we finished the sixth song. So, it’ll be out before the end of the year, definitely. I plan on going on the ’Twins Of Evil’ tour, and I have an art book that I’m going to release, and I’ll probably have a bunch of exhibitions all over to go along with it. And then I’ll release the album after that.”
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Kysyttäessä, onko Mansonilla nimi jo mietittynä albumille kertoi hän todennäköisesti nimeävänsä sen oman nimensä mukaan. Hän kertoi nimestä sekä albumin teemasta seuraavaa:
”It’s still to be determined, but I think it’s the album that should be called ’Marilyn Manson’. I’m in a mode in life where I wanted to tell stories with this record, and it’s sort of like a wax museum of my thoughts, a study of the chamber of horrors in my head. All the romance and hope you can have in the world, here in the End Times where it can be a different kind of apocalypse for each person listening to the record. I tried to paint it with words, and Shooter with sounds, so you can see and hear all of your longing, your passion and despair. That’s sort of a dramatic explanation of it. [Laughs] But it is full of drama. I wouldn’t compare it to any of my other records, but you hear a bit of everything — it’s like I’ve focused everything into one spot, finally.”