Marilyn Manson työskentelystään Shooter Jenningsin kanssa: ”Luulen, että moni uskoi albumini olevan countrya”

Kirjoittanut Janne Ollikainen - 3.9.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen kauhurokkari Marilyn Mansonin uusi ”We Are Chaos” -albumi näkee päivänvalon 11. syyskuuta. Mies julkaisi vastikään uuden albuminsa nimikkokappaleen. Kyseisellä levyllä Manson teki yhteistyötä countrytähti Shooter Jenningsin kanssa. Aiemmin kaksikko on työskennellyt muun muassa Jenningsin kappaleella ”Cat People”. Manson kertoi Revolver-lehdelle mietteitään yhteistyöstä Jenningsin kanssa, ja kokemus vaikuttaa olleen hänelle ilmeisen mieluinen, ja hän kertookin olevansa tyytyväinen albumiin. Hän myös kertoo uskovansa, että moni luuli tulevan albumin olevan countrya. Manson mainitsee myös, että minkäänlaista egoilua ei levynteossa ollut havaittavissa. Manson kertoi:

”We worked late hours. I would usually go to studio with him around 10 … Shooter found that my peak hour for singing was 3 a.m. I’m sure that’s probably because it’s [when] the full range of rasp that comes out of my voice, but also just the creative circle that we go through, because we spent a lot of times talking when we’re making the songs and what we wanted them to be, what we wanted to shape them into.

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And I believe in my heart, at least, I feel, and he feels, very satisfied with the end result. And I hope that people get their own satisfaction in whatever particular way that they’re looking for when they listen to it.

A lot of people, I think, expect it to be country. But now that you’ve heard the whole record, you can understand that the element of country, I think, that he brings to it exists greatly in the bass lines and in the chord progression and changes that are not country as much as they are … They remind me of ‘Diamond Dogs‘ Bowie, and Alice Cooper …

It was a very ego-free zone of creativity. I would play guitar in some stuff, and then I would have him play it better if need be. Or sometimes he liked what I did. The inconsistencies, the flaws and the childish approach that I take on some things he liked, and I did, too.

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So I would say the short version of that answer is it was very enjoyable making it. It was something I looked forward to going to studio every time I could with him.”

”We Are Chaos” -musiikkivideo:

”Cat People”

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