Marilyn Mansonilta NSFW-sisältöinen video Donald Trumpista
Marilyn Manson on julkaissut lyhyehkön pätkän helmikuussa ilmestyvän ”SAY10”-albuminsa nimikkokappaleesta videon kera. Vaikka Manson on aikaisemmin kertonut, että ei halua olla osa presidentinvaaleja, päättyy video maassa makaavaan, erehdyttävästi Donald Trumpia muistuttavaan päättömään ruumiiseen. Voit katsoa tästä, mistä on kyse:
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
“Either way tomorrow goes, the visuals are meant to create contemplation. Because it’s obviously bigger than just tomorrow. It’s about the desperate acts of people who believe something that is preached by an unbeliever.”
”Right now we’re in such a state of confusion when it comes to religion, politics, sexuality, and how they all tie together, and it’s being turned into a circus and a sideshow—and that’s something that I’ve been described as a ringleader of. It seems like a time for me as an artist, and as an American artist, to make something that causes a new set of questions to arise that aren’t simply statements.”
“I don’t think that, as an artist, I can make as much of a difference voting as I can the commentaries I make in music on my next record, Say10”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy