Kuva: Marko Syrjälä

Marko Hietala ei poissulje ajatusta yhteisen bändin aloittamisesta Tarja Turusen kanssa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.3.2024

Tarja Turunen kiertää parhaillaan Etelä-Amerikkaa yhdessä Marko Hietalan kanssa. Tuoreessa kiertueen lomassa El Planeta Del Rockille antamassaan haastattelussa Hietalalta on kysytty mahdollisuudesta aloittaa yhteistä uutta bändiä Tarja Turusen kanssa ja Hietala ei ole haastattelussa sulkenut pois vaihtoehtoa, koska kemia kaksikon välillä on niin hyvä. Hietala kertoi mahdollisesta yhtyeen aloittamisesta Turusen kanssa haastattelussa seuraavaa:

”I won’t close that option off. We haven’t talked about it, putting up a group together or anything like that. But at the moment, it seems that we’ve got a different kind of connection than it was [in the] past. Because then the camps were really divided already when I stepped into [NIGHTWISH]. And it was hard to find the truth of things, because a lot of it was like a managerial turf war where we got told certain things by one side and told certain things by the other side and lots of confusion — blah, blah, blah — and in the end, yeah, what we already realized a few years back when we were all together there doing the Christmas shows in Finland that after all the hassle has died and the noise has died and everything, you still find out that you lost a friend. And that was the main [reason] why we are basically doing this together again.”

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