Marty Friedman kertoo miksi Megadethin klassisen kokoonpanon paluu ei onnistunut: ”Se on yhden miehen show enkä saanut siitä tarpeeksi rahaa”
Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -suuruus Megadethin entinen kitaristi Marty Friedman on kertonut tuoreessa ”Rust In Peace” -albumia käsittelevässä kirjassa Rust In Peace: The Inside Story Of The Megadeth Masterpiece miksi Megadethin klassisen kokoonpanon paluu yhteen viisi ja puoli vuotta sitten ei lopulta onnistunut. Marty on kirjassa kertonut suurimman syyn olleen raha, jonka hän olisi keikoista tarvinnut saadakseen maksaa omalle henkilökunnalleen sekä managerilleen, jonka kanssa hän on tehnyt yhteistyötä nyt 15 vuoden ajan. Toiseksi syyksi Marty nimeää sen, että bändi on keskittynyt täysin Dave Mustainen ympärille, eikä hän kokenut olevansa osa jotain isompaa kokonaisuutta mikäli olisi tehnyt paluun bändiin. Marty avasi omia syitään kirjassa seuraavasti:
”My main thing was I’d be happy to do it, but I’m not going to take less money than I’m already making to do it.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyI’d been in Japan for more than ten years cultivating a career with solid rewards. I was making money not only for myself but also for my management and staff. My manager has been with me fifteen years.
Everything was sound and solid professionally, and when the offer came up to all of a sudden join MEGADETH again, as long as I would not be making less money, I was ready to go. But I was certainly not going to take a loss to join a band that, frankly, at that point, didn’t seem like they had too much to offer musically. A couple of members of the band had recently quit, and musically I hadn’t heard anything that they’ve done in a long time. I didn’t know about how relevant they continued to be in the music business. It wasn’t like MEGADETH was on the tip of people’s tongues, at least not in Japan. I had reached the point where people stopped immediately connecting me to MEGADETH and were talking about the things that I had done in Japan.
Had it been more of a band situation and not such a one-man, Dave Mustaine-main-man party, I might have considered doing it for a little less. But, at the end of the day, MEGADETH is so much Mustaine because that’s the way he engineered it. I didn’t feel that kind of camaraderie, the four-man diamond, THE BEATLES, KISS, METALLICA. I felt like I would be going out there and tour and it was going to be Mustaine’s big success. If I’m going to do that, I’m certainly not going to lose money to do that; I was doing great on my own in Japan.”