Martyrdöd allekirjoitti sopimuksen Century Median kanssa - uusi albumi luvassa ensi vuonna
Century Media on kiinnittänyt ruotsi-crustin valtiaat Martyrdödin rivistöönsä. Koko maailman Pohjois-Amerikkaa lukuunottamatta kattava sopimus sisältää kolme albumia, joista ensimmäisen työstämisen bändi on jo aloittanut. Uusi levy julkaistaan alustavasti ensi vuoden alkupuolella.
Bändin viimeisin täyspitkä ”List” ilmestyi viime vuoden lopulla.
Yhtye kommentoi sopimustaan näin:
”Coming to an end of our previous recording contract we were open for offers. Several labels showed interest, but Century Media and Philipp had the most supportive proposal. We’re very pleased to join their roster and will work hard to produce more Martyrdöd music. Together we’re hopefully able to reach further touching even more cursed souls with our tunes.”
Century Media Euroopan A&R henkilö Philipp Schulte kommentoi aihetta näin:
“The crust genre appears to me as one of the most vital extreme music genres right now, having brought up a lot of promising new bands, with Martyrdöd being among the spearheading acts of the scene. I got in touch with Martyrdöd’s guitarist Pontus some months ago, talking about his death metal band Miasmal, who are also signed to Century Media Records. When asking him whether Martyrdöd would be interested in a cooperation with us, he checked with the others and came back with a positive reply. So here we are now. We are very happy about the band’s trust in Century Media, and we are very much looking forward working with them on their upcoming studio albums!”
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