
Mastodon-yhtyeen Brent Hinds: ”Bändissä soittaminen on brutaalein työ, joka minulla on koskaan ollut”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 4.9.2018

Mastodon-yhtyeen Brent Hinds avautui musiikkibisneksen raadollisuudesta Let There Be Talkille antamassaan haastattelussa. Haastattelussa Hinds kertoo siitä, kun tuntuu, ettei ole enää mitään annettavaa, mutta silti pitää tehdä musiikkia ja pitkiä kiertueita, koska ympärillä kaikki haluavat lypsää bändistä kaiken mahdollisen irti. Hinds lisääkin, että hän voisi pitää vuoden taukoa musiikkibisneksestä asettuakseen aloilleen ja tavatakseen esimerkiksi tuoreen vaimonsa sukulaisia:


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”What I really wanna do and what I hope people will let me do is take some fuckin’ time off and let me breathe. That’s how shitty the music industry is. Because you’ve got to work your dick into the dirt before you can see any worms.”

“This is definitely the most brutal job I’ve ever had. I would definitely rather frame houses again. Like, no one’s looking at me. It’s like, ‘Stop looking at me just because I fuckin’ play a goddamn show on the stage.’ I don’t give a fuck. Honestly, I just don’t care. Never have cared.”

“But when the opportunity’s there and you strike and it happens and then they milk you… I feel like I’m being milked like a dry hyena titty. I have nothing left for anyone. They’ve worked me to my fuckin’ soul, it is almost gone.”

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“Now, what’s next for me in my job – I couldn’t tell ya. They probably got tours booked up their fuckin’… Their bank accounts. I don’t know. They got me booked as long as they need to eat. Or as long as they need to shop. Or whatever they do with their money.”

“I don’t care. All I care about is my peace of mind, which is leaving me. So I need to stop and recalculate myself. I need to decompress from all this and I need to press the restart button and just kind of reboot myself in a way.”

“I just got married about a year or so ago. I gotta go down there and meet all her family. I’ve been on tour constantly. It’s just not healthy. My next thing to me is to go get healthy and just to get away from the music business for hopefully over a year.”

(Ultimate Guitar)

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