Mastodonin Brent Hinds paljastaa: ”Aiomme julkaista seuraavaksi tupla-albumin”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.6.2016

Mastodon Live Circus 2014 1Uutisoimme hiljattain yhdysvaltalaisen progressiivisen metallin jättiläisen Mastodonin erittäin luovasta kirjoitusprosessista tulevan albumin suhteen. Nyt yhtyeen laulaja / kitaristi Brent Hinds on antanut Guitar Worldille haastattelun, jossa on todennut yhtyeen aikovan julkaista alunperin kaavaillun EP:n sijasta tupla-albumin verran uutta materiaalia. Voit lukea Brentin ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:

“It’s shaping up to be a double album. One is an album I wrote myself, and recorded with [drummer] Brann [Dailor] and [bassist/vocalist] Troy [Sanders] during the ‘Once More ‘Round The Sun‘ sessions. My part is called ‘Cold Dark Place‘, and it has to do with a nasty breakup that I went through. I wrote some pretty dark, beautiful, spooky, funky, ethereal, melancholy music, which also sounds like the Bee Gees a little bit. [laughs]

The other guys are writing another album, which I haven’t even heard yet so I can’t tell you what it sounds like. But I’ll come in to give some noodle-y leads here and there. And for sure I’ll be recording with my new signature Flying V…while standing on top of a chair with a werewolf mask on. And that’s not a joke; I really do that. I never sit down to record. You can’t sit down and play a Flying V, everyone knows that.”

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