
Mastodonin Brent Hinds: ”Seuraava albumimme voisi olla kantrimusiikkia”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 23.8.2018

Mastodon-yhtyeen kitaristi/vokalisti Brent Hinds on vihjaillut Let There Be Talkin haastattelussa, että häntä kiinnostaisi tehdä seuraavaksi kantri-teemainen albumi yhtyeensä kanssa:

”I would enjoy that. I love to dress up like a cowboy and play fancy big hollow-body guitars. I would enjoy that. I don’t know how much our audience would enjoy it… But that’s not something that we’re really trying to put too many thoughts into. Because we want to create a discography that nobody else has done and touch all these genres. Everyone knows that we can do heavy metal, everyone knows that Brann [Dailor, drums] can play the double bass. That’s why I want to show people that Brann can also not play the double bass. He’s just a very good artist and a musician. But he’s not a very big country fan. He hasn’t learned that way but I know he has come from those roots. His grandmother and grandfather were in a country band and actually knew Ernest Tubb personally.”

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Kantri-musiikkia tai ei, mutta Mastodon on aloittamassa seuraavan albuminsa työstämisen alkuvuodesta, jolloin bändin tyylisuuntakin on varmasti viimeistään selvillä.