Mastodonin kitaristi Bill Kelliher on perustanut uuden yhtyeen yhdessä Kyussin entisen laulajan John Garcian kanssa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.5.2024

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Mastodonin kitaristi Bill Kelliher, on perustanut uuden yhtyeen yhdessä entisen Kyuss-laulajan John Garcian, Karma To Burnin entisen basistin Rich Mullinsin, sekä entisen rumpalin Nathan Limbaughin kanssa. John Garcia on paljastanut asian tuoreessa The Rockman Power Hour -nimisen podcastin haastattelussa ja kertonut projektista seuraavaa:

”I’m just super stoked to be involved with Bill, Rich, and Nathan from Karma To Burn. Rich and Nathan and I, we go way, way back. So when Rich said he was gonna be involved with the project with Bill from Mastodon, I was like, ’where do I sign?’ I have to tell you, [Bill] is a badass. I have a mad amount of respect for Bill and his family, and his work ethic. He’s just a professional.

”I’m super stoked to be involved with him, and Rich, and Nathan. This was something that was completely and totally unexpected. The songs, I thought were really great and I said, you know ’fuck it. I’ve got to be involved in this.’ Working with Bill and his team of engineers – I call them ’the wizards’ – they’re great.”

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”Hopefully one of these days it’ll see the light of day. We’ll see how it all plays out, but we’re just taking this step by step and day by day, and seeing how it all plays out. We’re gonna be movin’ and groovin’, and hopefully rockin’ and rollin’.”