Max Cavalera: ”Dimebagin kuolema oli itselleni silmiä avaava kokemus välien korjaamisessa veljeni kanssa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.4.2016

Max Cavalera Igor Cavalera 2016Legendaarinen brasilialainen muusikko Max Cavalera jätti Sepulturan taakseen vuonna 1997 ja samassa yhteydessä katkesivat suhteet myös bändissä rumpuja soittaneeseen Maxin veljeen Igor Cavaleraan. Miesten vihanpito jatkui lopulta aina vuoteen 2006 asti joilloin Igor päätti lähteä Sepulturasta ja parantaa jälleen välit Maxin kanssa perustaakseen Cavalera Conspiracy -nimisen yhtyeen. Max Cavalera on antanut huhtikuun 22. päivä San Antonio Metal Music Examinerille videohaastattelun, jossa Maxilta on kysytty kuinka hän ja Igor lopulta saivat välinsä korjattua lähes 10 vuotta kestäneen tauon jälkeen. Max on haastattelussa todennut Dimebag Darrelin kuoleman olleen hänelle itselleen silmät avaava kokemus, joka sai Maxin ajattelemaan välejään veljeensä ja yrittämään korjata niitä. Voit lukea Maxin ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:

”Well, he quit SEPULTURA and called me. It all came from him, actually, ’cause I was just waiting, man. I was, like, ’I’m not… I don’t know how this is gonna turn out. But it’s already been ten years without talking to him, which sucks, ’cause he’s my brother and I love him. And it shouldn’t be like this.’ But thank God that he called and we made peace. And he was welcome back in my family. And then we started CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, which is a real kick-ass band. I loved the first record, ’Inflikted’; it came out really good. So we’re just having fun now. And I think a little bit what happened to Dimebag was kind of an eye opener too, because he had a brother in a band too, Vinnie [Paul]. And I saw Vinnie after that, and you could sense the pain that he was going through. So it makes you really enjoy each moment together. So I really, now, enjoy the time with Igor a lot. It’s much different than… When I was in SEPULTURA, I didn’t care; it was, like, whatever. But now it’s… When we do stuff together, like we’re gonna play the whole ’Roots’ album [from SEPULTURA] at the end of the year. It’s gonna be fun and exciting. It’s so good that our brotherhood and friendship, it’s all back. We got to meet their kids, he met my kids. And he gave a couple of presents to Zyon, like some drum stuff from Brazil. So, yeah, it’s all good. I just love the fact that everybody… We’re connected together. Yeah, ten years, it was hard, it was difficult, stressful, sad, but it’s life. You’ve gotta get through it and overcome, and we did overcome. And now the future just looks good. We’re just gonna keep doing more stuff and more stuff, and the family will grow more and more, which is great.”

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